[:en] In the modern era, people want to be avowed his/ her existence. Nowadays, technology is the key to acquire the self-existentialism from others. Many people think about the more sophisticated technology they have the more they gain the social avowed. It may happen to almost people. However, who knows that there are group of people

(Liputan Trip Desember 2014 SMAN 5 Bengkulu) Masyarakat Baduy menjadi salah satu laboratorium kecil tempat belajar interaksi yang harmonis antara alam dan manusia. sejak ratusan tahun lamanya alam tak tersakiti dengan kehadiran manusia di bukit Kendeng, begitupun manusia tak tergoda untuk merampok habis alam di bukit dan hutan dimana mereka tinggal. Kehidupan seirama dan berpola