Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu Provinsi di Indonesia yang menyimpan beragam destinasi wisata. Lokasi-lokasi wisatanya tidak melulu untuk anak muda atau dewasa, namun juga banyak lokasi wisata yang menarik dikunjungi bersama anak-anak anda. Beberapa contoh destinai wisata yang cocok bagi keluarga adalah seperti lokasi bersejarah dan museum. Tapi jangan salah, banyak museum di Jogja yang unik-unik dan pastinya menarik untuk dikunjungi bersama keluarga. Nah berikut ini adalah beberapa tips wisata keluarga di Jogja. Lokasi Wisata Tips Wisata Keluarga di Jogja yang pertama adalah memilih lokasi-lokasi wisata yang ramah bagi semua anggota keluarga anda, terutama bagi anak-anak. kota ini menawarkan beberapa lokasi wisata keluarga favorit seperti Prambanan dan Keraton. Kedua lokasi ini merupakan destinasi wisata ikon Yogyakarta. Kedua lokasi ini selain sebagai tempat wisata, bisa juga sebagai tempat bagi anak-anak anda untuk belajar mengenai sejarah. Di Prambanan sudah tersedia banyak papan informasi mengenai candi-candi yang terdapat di kawasan tersebut. Sembari jalan-jalan, anda bisa sedikit bercerita kepada anak-anak anda tentang asal-usul candi Prambanan. Selain Prambanan, Keraton juga wajib dikunjungi sebagai destinasi wisata yang edukatif. Di sini anda bisa menemukan beragam rumah-rumah kecil yang terdapat beragam barang-barang bersejarah keraton dari mulai perangkat Gamelan, hingga peralatan khas di dalam keraton. Setiap wisata keraton juga terdapat penjelasan singkat mengenai sejarah. Waktu Berkunjung Mengingat Prambanan dan Keraton merupakan destinasi yang terkenal, ada sedikit hal yang perlu anda pertimbangkan mengingat anda akan berlibur dengan anak-anak. Sejak mulai Jum'at malam, jalanan di kota Jogja akan sangat padat dengan banyaknya wisatawan yang datang. Untuk menghindari kemacetan, pastikan anda mengunjungi-nya di pagi hari. Jalanan di pagi hari sudah mulai ramai namun belum terlalu macet. Puncak kemacetan di Yogyakarta adalah saat hari Sabtu hingga menjelang tengah malam. Suasana jalan akan sangat ramai. Pada saat ini hindari berada di jalanan, terutama pusat kota di sekitar kawasan Tugu dan Malioboro. Lokasi tersebut menjadi sangat
Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu Provinsi di Indonesia yang menyimpan beragam destinasi wisata. Lokasi-lokasi wisatanya tidak melulu untuk anak muda atau dewasa, namun juga banyak lokasi wisata yang menarik dikunjungi bersama anak-anak anda. Beberapa contoh destinai wisata yang cocok bagi keluarga adalah seperti lokasi bersejarah dan museum. Tapi jangan salah, banyak museum di Jogja yang unik-unik
[:en]Gunung kidul is one of region in Yogyakarta, its about 40km from city center (about 1,5 hours). It Is one of the best destination in yogyakarta. It has a lot of destination such as, mountain, cave, food and beverages, ancient site, beach etc. but one of the most popular is beach. Gunung kidul beach is very special. It has white sand, clean and green sea. One of special beach is Drini, located in Banjarejo, Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta (about 60km from city center).  It is about 1km-east from Sepanjang beach.  It is little bit hidden place thus it has fresh air, clean environment and clean sea because only few people know about this beach. It has a big beautiful karst which is separated east and west side. We can take walk from west side to east to enjoy the karst. We also can get closer to the karst. The karst also make Drini’s wave harmless. It also looks like a big karst island on the water and makes a wonderful sunset. It has ‘friendly’ wave so we can play there and enjoy the sea. It is a wide beach and beautiful. We can build sand castle, play water, enjoy the sun shine and beautiful sunset In Drini. Drini beach is very recommended for family vacation. Nice air, white sand, clean water and beautiful landscape, when do we go there ? source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantai_Drini[:ID]Gunung kidul is one of region in Yogyakarta, its about 40km from city center (about 1,5 hours). It Is one of the best destination in yogyakarta. It has a lot of destination such as, mountain, cave, food and beverages, ancient site, beach etc. but one of the most popular is beach. Gunung kidul beach is very special. It has white sand, clean and green sea. One of special beach
[:en]Gunung kidul is one of region in Yogyakarta, its about 40km from city center (about 1,5 hours). It Is one of the best destination in yogyakarta. It has a lot of destination such as, mountain, cave, food and beverages, ancient site, beach etc. but one of the most popular is beach. Gunung kidul beach is
[:en]Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is located about 2 km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Built in mid 18th century, the Taman Sari had multiple functions, such as a resting area, a workshop, a meditation area, a defense area, and a hiding place. About 10 minute from Kraton. A great white gate with birds and flowering foliage ornament decoration welcomes us before entering the site. It feels like we are back in 18th century, the site make us wonder how did the people build these building. Taman Sari consisted of four distinct areas: a large artificial lake with islands and pavilions located in the west, a bathing complex in the center, a complex of pavilions and pools in the south, and a smaller lake in the east. Today only the central bathing complex is well preserved, while the other areas have been largely occupied by the Kampung Taman settlement. After entering the gate we will see the place where princess of sultan took bath. One word, beautiful. It is decorated like a modern swimming pool but it has gate and great wall that’s make private. It feels so classic and mysterious. Why? Because Taman Sari also has a lot of tunnels that connects one site to another. It was also said to be connected to Yogyakarta Palace. The beautiful parts of Tamansari are not only the swimming pool and tunnels. It also has European building style which is combined with Javanese ornament. It is better to have a local guide to accompany us so we know the history of Taman Sari. We will not only get the historical story of Taman sari but also the hidden meaning of the ornament, building and the mysterious
[:en]Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is located about 2Â km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Built in mid 18th century, the Taman Sari had multiple functions, such as a resting area, a workshop, a meditation area, a defense area,