Pulau yang terkenal dengan istilah ‘Ambon Manise’ ini merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata populer di Indonesia Timur. Isitlah ‘Ambon Manise’ digunakan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kecantikan pulau ini. Tak kalah dengan Bali, Ambon kini telah menjadi destinasi wisata bagi para wisatawan asing. Beberapa wisatawan asing yang sering mengunjungi Ambon adalah seperti wisatawan dari Eropa dan China.
Krakatau merupakan saksi sejarah alam dimana akibat meletusnya gunung ini, Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra terpisah oleh selat Sunda. Kawasan Krakatau secara administratif termasuk dalam kawasan Lampung Selatan tepatnya di kecamatan Rajabasa. Sekilas mengenai kawasan lokasi wisata Anak Gunung Krakatau, merupakan kawasan kepulauan yang terbentuk kurang lebih 40 tahun setelah gunung Krakatau meletus pada tahun 1883.
Lasem which is usually called “Little Chinese” has many historical heritage that make people interested to visit. As the nickname, the treasure of Lasem contains historical that need to dig up to find out the privilege things. Lasem, the part of sub-districts in Rembang hides the eternal curse which accidentally make this place well-known. Many
[:en] In the modern era, people want to be avowed his/ her existence. Nowadays, technology is the key to acquire the self-existentialism from others. Many people think about the more sophisticated technology they have the more they gain the social avowed. It may happen to almost people. However, who knows that there are group of people
When I red a book entitled Dewa Ruci: Pelayaran Pertama Menaklukkan Tujuh Samudra by Cornelis Kowaas. One of the chapters told about the glorious of Banda, Maluku. Marvelous! When I red this book, I just realized that in the past centuries, Banda was struggled by Netherlands and England. Indeed, “Banda’s enchantment” competed with New York
When travelling, make sure to leave more than a footprint, leave a path. Leave your contribution to the local community so they can sustain and grow