Nusa Penida merupakan pulau terbesar dari tiga pulau yang berada di sebelah timur pesisir bali. Dua pulau lainnya adalah Nusa Lembongan dan Nusa Ceningan. Sebagai pulau tersebesar dari ketiga kepulauan tersebut, terdapat beragam destinasi wisata di Nusa Penida. Luas pulau Nusa Penida sendiri sekitar 200 kilometer persegi. Kini perkembangan wisata di Nusa Penida semakin meningkat
Saya bukan orang yang berlatar belakang pendidikan sejarah. Namun, sebuah tulisan rangkuman yang menarik dari prakata buku karya Sri Wintala Achmad, menarik hati saya. “Sebelum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) terbentuk, Nusantara semula merupakan wilayah yang dikuasai ratusan kerajaan, baik besar, maupun kecil (kerajaan bawahan). Di Sumatra, terdapat Kerajaan Sriwijaya, Samudra Pasai, dan lain-lain. Di
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan, sebuah bulan suci bagi umat Islam telah hadir kembali di tahun 2017 atau Ramadan di tahun 1438 H. Ramadhan bagi umat Islam adalah sarana mengembalikan kembali fitrah manusia ke jalannya sehingga menjadi manusia yang seutuhnya di Jalan Allah SWT. Ramadhan tahun ini Campa Tour sebagai satu satunya Historical tour Indonesia menyuguhkan untuk
Lasem which is usually called “Little Chinese” has many historical heritage that make people interested to visit. As the nickname, the treasure of Lasem contains historical that need to dig up to find out the privilege things. Lasem, the part of sub-districts in Rembang hides the eternal curse which accidentally make this place well-known. Many
[:en] In the modern era, people want to be avowed his/ her existence. Nowadays, technology is the key to acquire the self-existentialism from others. Many people think about the more sophisticated technology they have the more they gain the social avowed. It may happen to almost people. However, who knows that there are group of people
When I red a book entitled Dewa Ruci: Pelayaran Pertama Menaklukkan Tujuh Samudra by Cornelis Kowaas. One of the chapters told about the glorious of Banda, Maluku. Marvelous! When I red this book, I just realized that in the past centuries, Banda was struggled by Netherlands and England. Indeed, “Banda’s enchantment” competed with New York
The Legendary Track of Bogor-Sukabumi-Lampegan-Cianjur In the Indische colonial era, Bogor-Sukabumi-Cianjur railways are used for shipping service of crops like sugar cane, rubber, quinine, tea and coffee to Batavia (Jakarta, Tanjung Priok port). During this heritage tour, the participants can learn about the history of railway station building which becomes the heritage assets of Indonesian
Gunungkidul is the most popular region in Yogyakarta which is associated with tourist-hunting-decision. There are many tourism objects that you can plan for the holiday. Even domestic or foreigner tourist thronged in Gunungkidul to enjoy the leisure time. The new one that belong to Gunungkidul is Goa Tanding or Tanding Cave. Goa Tanding is new destination
Have you ever feel like these ? – much more angrier – much more worry about anything – don’t have great ideas or inspiration – don’t have any jokes – your ponsel is everything – don’t have any motivation to go to work – don’t have much relation – don’t have spectacular Instagram picture Psychologically,
Yogyakarta is the place which has known as the city of culture. There are many cultural heritages that bind this city. One of them is Kraton Yogyakarta or Sultan Palace. Kraton Yogyakarta is the royal palace where Sultan (or King) dwelled with the family. This palace is full of sultanete’s artefacts which display on the